PLEASE EMAIL TIFFANY PETERSON ( if you plan to attend the event, and please include the number of bowlers. You should bring your completed form (SEE BELOW) along with funds raised to the event for collection.
Pack 231 scouts & siblings MET UP for the no-holds barred, eighth annual grudge match between evenly matched sides of real-world heroes. It was a perfect night for a game & all who came had a great time.
The Pack 231 COVID-19 Awareness & Action Plan remains in effect for Pinewood Derby. All participants expected to adhere to guidelines to enable the safest possible conditions for in-person meetings. Access the documents under Files > COVID-19 Guidelines.
Safety of our Scouts & Families is a shared responsibility. Please take a moment and review the policy so we can continue to plan & conduct in-person gatherings as safely as possible.
Review the below questions the day of the scheduled Pack or Den event. If you answer YES to any of the below questions, you must not attend that event:
Are you or anyone in your household experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 including cough, fever, loss of taste, or trouble breathing?
Did you take any medications to lower a fever in the past 24 hours?
Have you been in close contact (within 6 feet for 10 minutes or more) with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
Does anyone in your household have symptoms of respiratory illness (e.g.
fever, cough, shortness of breath) which may be attributed to COVID-19?
Pack 231 is now on Facebook! Search for 'Pack 231, Chester County Council' and our page will pop up.
Very early stages - still need a lot of photos to be added! Please upload your images & share the fun ways you and your Scouts are keeping the Scouting Spirit alive while we continue to abide by the social distancing guidelines.