BSA requires all adults who participate in overnight outings to complete Youth Protection Training (YPT) before arriving for the event. Chester County requires training be completed every year - so your certificate needs to have a completion date on or after January 25, 2019 to be acceptable for Winter Camp-In.
YPT is completed online at My.Scouting.ORG and it only runs properly on Chrome web-browser. Using a browser other than Chrome will result in technical difficulties that prevent your progress from being recognized or test answers accepted
The third annual Cub Scout Fun Festival will be held on April 16, from 9AM to 3PM - stay for the entire day or just for a few hours. All Cub Scouts (of any age), siblings and parents are invited for a fun filled day of carnival style games as well as Scouting activities such as BB gun shooting, archery, paintball slingshot, nature hikes, bouldering wall, handicraft and much, much more! If you have not been to Camp Ware for summer camp or fall camp out (and even if you have) this is a great way to see what Camp Ware has to offer. Click below to read more...